So many tomatoes at the moment that I have had every recipe I can think of and made soup, pasta sauce, ratatouille and lots of others. But this was simple and delicious and used up a bit of old ciabatta at the same time. So easy I'm not going to put it in Recipes - just spread pesto (from a jar not home made) on the bread, halved cherry tomatoes and a shaving of parmesan, then grill until brown. If you teach your children this they can make it after school, and it works really well on half a muffin too, just call it mini pizza.
Here is my sad looking vegetable patch now that we are heading into the colder weather. A few swede and some celeriac for later, one row of carrots for the odd stew and some chard left. Everything else has gone - but at least I haven't had to buy any vegetables for the whole summer.
A chance to taste those varieties that supermarkets don't stock and may be even buy a tree. I have a Pitmaston Pineapple in my garden, from Crown Nursery Apple Day two years ago. It has small but definitely pineapple-tasting sweet yellow russet apples. On Saturday I stopped at my favourite community cafe for a few pounds of theirs on their Apple Day, and a bottle of juice...and two great big slabs of apple cake which I should have made myself! is near Woodbridge.
.. because it was Matt singing upstairs on the opening night of LP's...
Didn't go - did you?
A great day out of free tastings and sous-vide immersion into the world of culinary arts. There were olives, ice creams, huge parmesans, coffee, pastries, salami and of course plenty of wine and we tried it all. I correctly matched a Pinot Noir to Jimi Hendrix in the completely mad music-with-wine tasting by Mickey Narea - the sommelier at Launceston Place, and afterwards went to eat at beautiful Benares for their early supper at £25 for three courses. Not much Suffolk in this show though.
Ruth's grape harvest on the way to be made into juice at the pressers - who doesn't like his picture being taken so we can't post it on here.
Looks like they have chosen someone else to represent 'outspoken food blogger' on the Market Kitchen tv programme I was asked if I was interested in doing. They are focusing on Suffolk with the Chilli Farm Palmers Bakeryand Stark Naked's pesto so I am not going to get to taste any of those with hunky Celebrity Chef Michael Caines. If I had had a chance to look at his picture first I might have been more enthusiastic about the dawn trip to London to start filming at 8am.