Tuesday, 16 March 2010 22:10

Oysters at The Lighthouse – Aldeburgh

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Lunch at the Lighthouse on a Times eat-three-courses-for-a-tenner voucher but have to go off menu to have two oysters with my starter. They are listed as appetizers and priced at £1.75 each...too tempting. Served with two types of tabasco I have them with my gravadlax starter and they take me straight to the bottom of the sea with flavour.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010 09:28

You thought fish was expensive?

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After lunch we walk along the seafront and buy one of these fat beauties straight out of the sea.  The whole cod was £14, cut into eight huge steaks by the fisherman and with another fish head thrown in for soup.

Thursday, 15 April 2010 09:27

So long since I ate out?

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Nothing to write about in Suffolk because I haven't been out.  Went to London and had lunch in Wahaca - the Mexican Market Eating restaurant of the only female Masterchef winner (so far) www.wahaca.co.uk. Lots of hot sauce, tortillas, meat and fresh salad - very quick, very nice and very cheap - with simple delicious drinks like home made lime squash. £36 for four of us.  Suffolk still has a long way to go.

Thursday, 22 April 2010 09:26

Purple sprouting broccolli

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It's growing in my garden for the first time - after a year of picking off caterpillars, spraying, looking, poking and wondering if it was worth it,  it has finally produced loads of delicious sprouting heads that are almost as good to eat as asparagus, which is good timing because now I need the space for some new plants.

Sunday, 02 May 2010 09:26

Halesworth – a Cut above the rest

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Been to see two plays in one day as part of the Halesworth HighTide festival; this theatre being one of our favourite venues in Suffolk for comedy, particularly when it's escaped unnoticed into a serious script. The food has always looked good here and I love the randomness of it, watching the cream being whipped for a raspberry cheesecake on the bar next to you while you wait for a glass of wine - everyone seems to volunteer here.  I had pork, cashew and apricot terrine that came with three salads for £6 - new potato salad, cous cous and red cabbage coleslaw, topped with a bunch of watercress.  It was delicious, fresh and tasty, and exactly what I wanted at 6.30pm between the plays. I could eat like this every day. By the time we got to the interval the cheesecake was ready and it was one of the best I have ever had out - anywhere.  www.newcut.org

Sunday, 09 May 2010 09:24

The Angel – scones with cream and jam

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Nice to meet a friend here in Bury on Saturday for a cup - well a good sized pot actually - of tea, with a fresh scones, the thickest cream and those little jars of strawberry jam. Their sofas are the most comfortable seats in the town, it was warm on a freezing cold day and there was free wi fi access for the laptop. And the staff are REALLY nice!

Delicious to dip bread in - as you would olive oil - only we don't do that so much in this country. Bright yellow just like the fields, tastes nutty and is my favourite salad dressing by itself or with a squeeze of lime.

What a lovely pair of villages! Had to take my son to football so wander about looking for a home-made food shop for a late breakfast snack. Found the Co Op, but then the blinds go up on the local deli so I buy two very large sausage rolls at £1.20 each.  Nice pastry and local sausage meat although my son thinks the ones he makes are better. There are home-made quiches in the freezer and a couple of nice looking cakes, but not sure why a shelf full of toilet rolls haven't been hidden round the corner...?!

Wednesday, 19 May 2010 09:21

Stanton – again

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Have already been recommended for their sausage rolls. This place has everything, fresh and frozen. And their plants are good too. Mick the Baker makes the bread at the back and he said if I come back earlier next time he'll make me a cup of tea.

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