Wednesday, 22 December 2010 21:24

Home made Christmas everything

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I made the mini mince pies and Sarah made the alcoholic cake as my Christmas present - how lovely is that!
Sunday, 02 January 2011 21:22

Happy New Year

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Bought myself three new chickens to celebrate.

Well we knew this all along didn't we? Went for a lovely meal here before Christmas, when I still had an appetite. We had slow-braised ox tongue, the sauté of snails, bacon and  bone marrow, partridge,  our favourite cotes de boeuf with fat chips and béarnaise and then delicious desserts. Still faultless, and now a bit more relaxed.

Tuesday, 28 December 2010 21:07

Looking for a new career?

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Ricochet tv company are looking for young people to take part in a new BBC2 tv series and train in the food and wine industry. Unfortunately I'm too old for this but there are some vague details here, so if you have always wanted to be a celebrity waitress - now's your chance.

Monday, 27 December 2010 21:03

We are Grumpy at suffolk foodie

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...because we have all been ILL, that's why. I have only eaten one kiwi fruit since Christmas eve. I missed canapes twice, a full roast turkey dinner, desserts, loads of wine and all the extras like mince pies, cake and big slabs of home cooked ham.  Am only just getting my appetite back - this was a very un-merry christmas for me.

Sunday, 19 December 2010 21:00

Fabulous Fudge at the Craft Fair

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With really nice flavours - salted caramel, lavender (although I didn't like this one...) passion fruit (yum) all made with natural flavours and in small batches in Thurston.

Friday, 17 December 2010 20:57


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Wednesday, 15 December 2010 20:07

Eric's Prime Cuts

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And prime they are indeed! I bought a chicken but what I really wanted was that rib of beef in the window at £40 - and probably worth every penny.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010 17:18

Oh Well

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Looks like they have chosen someone else to represent 'outspoken food blogger' on the Market Kitchen tv programme I was asked if I was interested in doing. They are focusing on Suffolk with the Chilli Farm  Palmers Bakeryand Stark Naked's pesto  so I am not going to get to taste any of those with hunky Celebrity Chef Michael Caines. If I had had a chance to look at his picture first I might have been more enthusiastic about the dawn trip to London to start filming at 8am. Shit.

Tuesday, 28 September 2010 16:27

British Food Fortnight

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Whoops - nearly forgot to mention it. Here is hunky James, the 'Face of British Food Fortnight' on the poster in case you want to print off your own copy.

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