Friday, 17 July 2015 10:01

SuffolkFoodie AGM

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Today suffolkfoodie decided it was time for an AGM - we haven't had one for a few years - so we're off to various places to eat, drink and investigate the general state of foodie affairs. We'll be visiting the new transport cafe on the A14 looking for Johny Cakes' all time favourite dish liver - any kind - and bacon, and trying some organic food in Fornham. Then we'll go somewhere for lunch.

Friday, 17 July 2015 09:58

Norfolk Tomatoes

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I couldn't resist these Nar Valley grown tomatoes from Swaffham High Street greengrocers. All shapes and colours with a kilo for £4.

Wednesday, 01 July 2015 09:48

PoshToast - the best thing since sliced bread!

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Toast is getting big and very posh. It's moved across from San Francisco and been spotted at the London based Brickhouse Bakery who have been creating limited edition flavours. If you want to look like Gwyneth Paltrow, then eat Avocado Toast. Gwyneth has a recipe for vegan avocado toast in her recipe book, 'It's All Good' - she compares it to 'a favourite pair of jeans'. Here at SuffolkFoodie, we don't look like Gwyneth but are bang on trend; we're eating Hot Cromer Crab on Toast.

INGREDIENTS (serves 4)

 1 dressed Cromer crab
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
2 teaspoons readymade English mustard
2 tablespoons finely grated Parmesan cheese
2 tablespoons finely grated Cheddar cheese
1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley

1 tablespoon chopped chervil
juice of 1/2 of a lemon and a teaspoon of the finely grated rind
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
a little oil, for greasing

4 slices of thickly cut bread  (sourdough is perfect)


Preheat the oven to 180C / gas 4 and lightly oil a baking tray.

In a bowl mix together the crabmeat, mayonnaise, mustard, half the chopped herbs, lemon rind and lemon juice, and season well.

Preheat the grill, or heat a griddle pan, and lightly toast the bread on one side only. Arrange on the prepared baking tray, toasted side down, then generously spread each slice with the crab mixture and sprinkle with a little of each cheese. Put into the preheated oven for about 8 minutes, until the cheese melts and turns golden brown. Take out of the oven, sprinkle with the remaining chopped herbs. Serve with the salad leaves, tossed with the dressing, and a wedge of lemon.

Tuesday, 30 June 2015 09:42

Pork with bread sauce?

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I'm just not sure about last nights show Nigel; it's a bit like roast lamb with Yorkshire puddings, they're not meant to be together, even if it has got apple in it. I like mine with baked red cabbage.

Tuesday, 30 June 2015 09:36

I thought it would be horrible. I was right.

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 I was late and rushing for the 2pm train. I had had nothing to eat so after I found a seat and had put it off for as long as possible I bought a sausage roll. It was worse than the last one I had ten years ago. I don't need to describe it because you can see its flabby, rusky, microwaved self, for yourselves.  Abelio Greater Anglia - your crisps have improved, your drinks have improved, now try serving a nice sausage roll?

Friday, 19 June 2015 09:27

Yes Chef

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 Great name for a fruit and veg delivery business, don't you think?

Friday, 19 June 2015 09:18


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Today is the first day of Ramadan and this year it falls on some of the longest days of the year. Over a billion Muslims around the world will begin fasting from dawn till dusk, refraining from eating and drinking, as a way to strengthen their faith. In the UK the days could be as long as 16 hours - a challenge that lasts for 30 days until July 17th.

Friday, 19 June 2015 08:29

A Big Cheese

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Look what had appeared on the wall opposite my house when I got home after the weekend.

Thursday, 23 July 2015 17:48

Quinoa sandcastles anyone?

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Oh the things we do in London to entertain ourselves...

Sunday, 02 August 2015 17:44

Two days holiday - two happy suffolkfoodies

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This year's SuffolkFoodie annual leave was taken on a 48 hour trip to see the best (and probably the most hyped) of the latest London eat-and-drinkeries. Starting at Taberno do Mercardo (via a really nice tea merchants on the way, and only minutes from Liverpool Street station) we had small pretty plates that featured tinned cold monkfish, runner bean 'fritters' on clam broth, cuttlefish with pigs trotters, drippingly soft cheese with toasted bread, prawn rissoles and the runniest custard tart. The waitress was as excited about the food as we were so even with just one glass each of house sparkling rose - shining like a citrine jewel - it was easy to spend half of our budget on the first meal.


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